“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
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Historical Markers and War Memorials in Bedford County

Clickable Map of Bedford County, Virginia and Immediately Adjacent Jurisdictions image/svg+xml 2019-10-06 U.S. Census Bureau, Abe.suleiman; Lokal_Profil;; J.J.Prats/dc:title> Bedford County, VA (191) Amherst County, VA (40) Botetourt County, VA (43) Campbell County, VA (23) Franklin County, VA (25) Lynchburg Ind. City, VA (235) Pittsylvania County, VA (26) Roanoke County, VA (21) Rockbridge County, VA (49)  BedfordCounty(191) Bedford County (191)  AmherstCounty(40) Amherst County (40)  BotetourtCounty(43) Botetourt County (43)  CampbellCounty(23) Campbell County (23)  FranklinCounty(25) Franklin County (25)  Lynchburg(235) Lynchburg (235)  PittsylvaniaCounty(26) Pittsylvania County (26)  RoanokeCounty(21) Roanoke County (21)  RockbridgeCounty(49) Rockbridge County (49)
Bedford is the county seat for Bedford County
Adjacent to Bedford County, Virginia
      Amherst County (40)  
      Botetourt County (43)  
      Campbell County (23)  
      Franklin County (25)  
      Lynchburg (235)  
      Pittsylvania County (26)  
      Roanoke County (21)  
      Rockbridge County (49)  
Touch name on this list to highlight map location.
Touch blue arrow, or on map, to go there.
201 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — CzechoslovakiaNational D-Day Memorial
The Free Czechoslovakian Army's 1st Armored Brigade did not deploy to Normandy until several weeks after the Allied landing, but the four Free Czechoslovakian squadrons that flew with the Royal Air Force all took part in D-Day. The colors flown at . . . Map (db m240070) HM WM
202 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — D-Day Monument
This monument’s representation of these distinct phases of the events around D-Day is particularly evident from this position. In the distance straight ahead, a formal garden planted in the design of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary . . . Map (db m107695) WM
203 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — DeltakermedaljenNational D-Day Memorial
Instituted on 19 September 1945, the Deltakermedaljen (Defense Participation Medal 1940-1945) was awarded to members of the Norwegian military and merchant marine as well as to eligible allies and civilians who participated in combat or . . . Map (db m240437) WM
204 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Dwight David “Ike” EisenhowerNational D-Day Memorial
Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower 14 October 1890 - 28 March 1969 Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, Operation Overlord A member of "the class the stars fell on," Dwight David Eisenhower graduated from the United . . . Map (db m240230) HM WM
205 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Edward R. Stettinius Jr. ParadeNational D-Day Memorial
Edward Reilly Stettinius Jr., 1900-1949, was an American industrialist and statesman, After studies at the Pomfret School and University of Virginia, he entered industry, becoming a vice president of General Motors (1931) and Chairman of the Board . . . Map (db m240356) HM WM
206 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Eighth United States Air Force“The Mighty Eighth” — National D-Day Memorial —
Constituted as VIll Bomber Command to support the invasion of North Africa, the Mighty Eighth was officially born in Savannah, Georgia, on 29 January 1942. Securing approval from the War Department to activate an air force as part of the U.S. Army . . . Map (db m241217) WM
207 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Elmon T. Gray Plaza — National D-Day Memorial —
The Hon. Elmon T. Gray's service with the United States Navy in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II, in the Senate of Virginia from 1972 through 1992, to the National D-Day Memorial, and for the broad advancement of philanthropy . . . Map (db m241549) HM WM
208 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Elmon T. Gray Plaza — National D-Day Memorial —
Operation Overlord with its naval component, Operation Neptune, was the largest combined-arms endeavor in history. On D-Day, 6 June 1944 tens of thousands of soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen and merchant seamen from twelve . . . Map (db m243198) HM WM
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209 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Exercise Tiger22-30 April 1944 — National D-Day Memorial —
In February 1944, soon after the arrival of Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery in England to lead Operation Overlord, planning for the D-Day invasion accelerated and expanded. To the three Norman beaches already selected as invasion sites, they . . . Map (db m240329) HM WM
210 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Fifth Ranger Battalion“Rangers Lead the Way” — National D-Day Memorial —
One of two battalions that on D-Day made up the Provisional Ranger Group (PRG) under the command of Lt. Col. James E. Rudder, the Fifth Ranger Battalion was activated at Camp Forest, Tennessee, on 1 September 1943. For the landing, the PRG was . . . Map (db m241873) HM WM
211 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — First Infantry Division“The Big Red One” — National D-Day Memorial —
Constituted in May of 1917 from active Army units serving throughout the United States, the First Expeditionary Division was officially organized on 8 June 1917. Transported to Europe six days later, it was designated the First Division on 6 July . . . Map (db m241869) HM WM
212 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Four Chaplains Field Chapel — National D-Day Memorial —
The four chaplains giving the National D-Day Memorial field chapel its name were among 4 soldiers, merchant seamen, naval armed guard, coast guardsmen, and civilian workers embarked for Greenland aboard USAT Dorchester . At 0100 hours on 3 . . . Map (db m241069) HM WM
213 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Fourth Infantry Division“The Ivy Division” — National D-Day Memorial —
Officially organized on 10 December 1917 at Camp Greene, North Carolina, the Fourth Infantry Division was constituted from Regular Army units. The Ivy Division joined the Allied Expeditionary Force and served with distinction in five World War I . . . Map (db m240777) HM WM
214 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — FranceNational D-Day Memorial
France contributed three fighter groups and four bomber groups to the Allied Expeditionary Air Force on D-Day. Two French cruisers and a destroyer took part in the naval bombardment, and French frigates, corvettes, and submarine chasers performed . . . Map (db m240063) HM WM
215 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — France and Germany StarNational D-Day Memorial
In the United Kingdom, the next of kin of British service members killed during the Second World War received a Memorial Scroll. Beneath the royal emblem of King George VI, appeared this text:
This scroll commemorates [service . . . Map (db m240441) WM
216 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Franklin Delano RooseveltNational D-Day Memorial
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 30 January 1882-12 April 1945 32nd President of the United States, 1933-1945 In his first inaugural address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) told a nation mired in the Great Depression "the only thing . . . Map (db m240223) HM WM
217 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — French Forces of the Interior (FFI)"The Maquis" — National D-Day Memorial —
Taking its nickname from the Corsican expression for the underbrush outlaws hid in, the FFI was a loose alliance of French Resistance movements including, among others, Francs Tireurs et Partisans, Organisation Civile et Militaire, Libération-Nord, . . . Map (db m241594) HM WM
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218 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — General Leonard T. Gerow (1888-1972) — National D-Day Memorial —
General Leonard T. Gerow (1888-1972) Chief, War Plans Division and Assistant Chief of Staff of the U. S. Army (1941-1942); Commanter, 29th Infantry Division (1942-1943); Commander V Corps (1943-1945); Commander, 15th Army (1945); . . . Map (db m240879) HM WM
219 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — General of the Army George C. Marshall (1880-1959) — National D-Day Memorial —
General of the Army George C. Marshall (1880-1959) Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army (1939-1945), Secretary of State (1947-1949) President, American Red Cross (1949-1950), Secretary of Defense (1950-1951) Nobel Peace Prize (1953) A . . . Map (db m240418) HM WM
220 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — George “Jimmy” Green CircleNational D-Day Memorial
One of the major components of the National D-Day Memorial, Green Circle, named for Sub-Lieutenant George “Jimmy” Green, Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, recognizes the service and contribution of the Allied Navy in support of the Normandy landing and . . . Map (db m243024) HM WM
221 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — George Smith PattonNational D-Day Memorial
11 November 1885 ~ 21 December 1945 “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” As Commanding General of the First U.S. Army Group (FUSAG), Lt. Gen. George S. Patton made a singular contribution to the Allied success on D-Day. . . . Map (db m240303) HM WM
222 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Gold Star Families Memorial Monument — National D-Day Memorial —
[front] A tribute to Gold Star Mothers, Fathers, and Relatives who sacrificed a Loved One for our Freedom. [reverse] Homeland, Family, Patriot, Sacrifice Map (db m241530) WM
223 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Gold Star Family Memorial Garden — National D-Day Memorial —
By design separate and modest in scope, this garden exists to recognize the irreplaceable loss experienced by families whose parents, children, spouses, and siblings die in battle. Planted away from the components of the Memorial that deal with the . . . Map (db m241967) HM WM
224 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — GreeceNational D-Day Memorial
Limiting its naval and military commitment primarily to the Balkans and Mediterranean, Greece nevertheless did deploy two Royal Hellenic Navy corvettes for Operation Neptune. Those vessels escorted convoys to Juno, Gold, and Sword Beaches. As was . . . Map (db m240018) HM WM
225 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Harry S. TrumanNational D-Day Memorial
Harry S. Truman 8 May 1884 - 26 December 1972 33rd President of the United States, 1945 - 1953 The only president to have experienced combat in World War I, Harry S. Truman gave up his artillery captaincy at war's end. He . . . Map (db m240352) HM WM
226 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — K-132 — Home of John Goode
Here is the home of John Goode, political leader, born 1829, died, 1909. Goode was a member of the secession convention of 1861; of the Confederate Congress and of the United States Congress; Solicitor General of the United States; president of the . . . Map (db m42877) HM
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227 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — K-130 — Hunter's Bivouac
Near here General Hunter, on his retreat from Lynchburg, halted for the night of June 18, 1864. He resumed his retreat early in the morning of June 19.Map (db m42875) HM
228 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Joseph “Lightning Joe” Lawton Collins (1896-1987) — National D-Day Memorial —
Chief of Staff, Hawaiian Department (1941-1942); Commander, 25th Infantry Division (1942-1943); Commander VIl Corps (1944-1945); Chief of Army Information (1945-1947); Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (1947-1949): Chief of Staff, U.S. Army . . . Map (db m242019) HM WM
229 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Joseph Stalin — National D-Day Memorial —
Joseph Stalin 21 December 1879 - 5 March 1953 General Secretary of the Communist Party In 1922, Joseph Stalin became General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and spent the next seven years . . . Map (db m240663) HM WM
230 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Lend-Lease (Public Law 77-11)“An Act Further to Promote the Defense of the United States” — National D-Day Memorial —
Perhaps inspired by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's homey metaphor of a person lending a neighbor a garden hose to extinguish his burning house then getting it back when the fire is out, the initiative that came to be known as Lend Lease was . . . Map (db m240806) HM WM
231 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — K-131 — Lynchburg and Salem Turnpike
The Lynchburg and Salem Turnpike Co. was incorporated in 1818 to build a turnpike from Lynchburg west to Salem. The road reached Liberty (now Bedford) in 1828 and was completed to Salem in 1836. In Bedford County, covered bridges spanned the Big . . . Map (db m18830) HM
232 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Maurice Travis Lawhorne Circle(13 April 1922 - 11 February 2007) — National D-Day Memorial —
One of the major components of the National D-Day Memorial, Lawhorne Circle, named for Lieutenant Maurice T. Lawhorne, Army Air Force, recognizes the service and contributions of the Allied Air Forces in support of the Normandy landing and Operation . . . Map (db m242033) HM WM
233 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Médaille commémorative de la guerre 1940-1945National D-Day Memorial
Médaille commémorative de la guerre Of Belgium's military medals for the Second World War, the Médatile commémorative de la guerre 1940-1945 had the broadest circulation. Established on 16 February 1945, the War Commemorative Medal . . . Map (db m240426) HM WM
234 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Military Police (MP) PlatoonsNormandy, France, June - August 1944 — National D-Day Memorial —
Military Police (MP) Platoons Normandy, France, June - August 1944 The Military Police Corps is the uniformed law enforcement branch of the United States Army. At Normandy, as for other combat operations, MP platoons had the . . . Map (db m240389) HM WM
235 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Mulberry Harbors at Normandy — National D-Day Memorial —
Following the disastrous raid at Dieppe on the French coast in August 1942, Allied commanders realized that while a port would be essential to any invasion of occupied France, it need not necessarily be wrested from enemy hands. Instead, the idea of . . . Map (db m241116) HM WM
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236 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — NetherlandsNational D-Day Memorial
The modest Dutch military force that escaped to England when the Netherlands fell did not participate in Operation Overlord. A cruiser, HMNS Sumatra, and two gunboats did represent the Dutch Navy in Operation Neptune. The two gunboats fired . . . Map (db m240038) HM WM
237 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — New ZealandNational D-Day Memorial
>br>About 30,000 members of the Royal New Zealand Air Force were in Operation Overlord. Squadrons of New Zealand's fighters and bombers flew in every phase, the former performing with particular efficacy above Omaha Beach on D-Day. Some 4,000 . . . Map (db m240047) HM WM
238 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — New Zealand Memorial CrossNational D-Day Memorial
Since the commencement of World War II, the New Zealand Memorial Cross has been presented to the next of kin of the New Zealand servicemen and women killed during war service, operational service overseas, or who later died of wounds received in the . . . Map (db m240431) HM WM
239 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Ninth Infantry Division“The Old Reliables” — National D-Day Memorial —
Organized at Camp Sheridan, Alabama, on 18 July 1918, the 9th Infantry Division was the last Regular Army division activated for World War I. It disbanded on 15 February 1919. Reactivated on 1 August 1940 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the division . . . Map (db m240172) HM WM
240 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Ninth United States Air Force — National D-Day Memorial —
Established at Bowman Field, Kentucky, as V Air Support Command on 21 August 1941 and activated on 1 September, the fledgling unit was redesignated 9th Air Force on 8 April 1942 and assigned, on 22 July 1942, to Bolling Field, Washington, DC. On 18 . . . Map (db m241237) HM WM
241 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — NorwayNational D-Day Memorial
Ten warships of the Royal Norwegian Navy in exile took part in Operation Neptune. The Svenner! a brand new destroyer, was struck midship by a German torpedo at H-1 and went down in a quarter-hour. The Norwegian Merchant Navy also committed . . . Map (db m240052) HM WM
242 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Omar Nelson Bradley — National D-Day Memorial —
Omar Nelson Bradley 12 February 1893 - 8 April 1981 Commanding General, United States First Army A 1915 graduate of the United States Military Academy, Omar Bradley was first among the fifty-nine general officers in "the class the stars . . . Map (db m240251) HM WM
243 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — One Hundred and First Airborne Division“Screaming Eagles” — National D-Day Memorial —
Activated at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, on 15 August 1942 to become the U.S. Army's second division of airborne infantry, the "Screaming Eagles" came into being under the command of Brig. Gen. William C. Lee, who told his troops, "the 101st has no . . . Map (db m240785) HM WM
244 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Operation FortitudeNational D-Day Memorial
Operation Fortitude stands out as one of the most vital contributions made by the Allied staff during the planning and preparation for the D-Day invasion. Formulated as a plan "to induce the enemy to make faulty dispositions in northwest Europe . . . Map (db m240304) HM WM
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245 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Ordre National de la Légion d'honneur (French National Order of the Legion of Honor)"Honneur et Patrie" - "Honor and Fatherland" — National D-Day Memorial —
Established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, the French National Order of the Legion of Honor recognizes meritorious service to the French republic. The order is open to military personnel and civilians, citizens and foreigners, men and women alike, . . . Map (db m241987) HM WM
246 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Peaks of Otter“A rougher road could not be imagined” — Hunter’s Raid —
(preface) On May 26, 1864, Union Gen. David Hunter marched south from Cedar Creek near Winchester to drive out Confederate forces, lay waste to the Shenandoah Valley, and destroy transportation facilities at Lynchburg. His raid was part of . . . Map (db m55780) HM
247 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — K-136 — Peaks of Otter Road
This road was followed by General Hunter when he crossed the Blue Ridge at the Peaks of Otter and came to Bedford en route to Lynchburg, June 16, 1864.Map (db m42893) HM
248 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — PolandNational D-Day Memorial
Mindful of Germany's September 1, 1939 invasion of Poland, the government-in-exile was eager for its forces to participate in D-Day. Polish ground troops did not deploy until later, but the Polish Wing of the 84th Royal Air Force Group and a Polish . . . Map (db m240057) HM WM
249 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Polly Woods' Ordinary
Built in the early 1800's, this simple mountain cabin was operated as an inn, or "ordinary", from about 1830 until about 1850. Here the widowed Polly Woods catered to the "ordinary" needs of the weary mountain traveler -- a hot meal, a comfortable . . . Map (db m9655) HM
250 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Purple Heart — National D-Day Memorial —
Purple Heart By order issued at his headquarters at Newburgh, New York, 7 August 1782, General George Washington designated the Purple Heart as the Army's Badge of Military Merit. He presented it to three sergeants, and it was not . . . Map (db m240419) HM WM
251 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — KM-5 — Quaker Baptist Church
A Quaker Meeting was established on Goose Creek in 1757, and a meeting house built. Fear of Indians caused most of the Quakers to move elsewhere though some of them returned. Unsuccessful attempts were made to re-establish the Goose Creek Meeting. . . . Map (db m65610) HM
252 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — K-133 — Randolph-Macon AcademyLiberty Academy
Randolph-Macon Academy, a Methodist preparatory school for boys, occupied a building on this site from 1890 until 1934 when the school was consolidated with the Randolph-Macon Academy at Front Royal. In 1936, the property was purchased by Bedford . . . Map (db m42878) HM
253 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Richard S. Reynolds Sr. (1881-1955) — National D-Day Memorial —
A native of Bristol, Virginia, who attended King College, Columbia University, and the University of Virginia, industrialist-poet Richard S. Reynolds Sr. founded Reynolds Metals Company. In 1935, he presciently selected an image of St. George . . . Map (db m241210) WM
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254 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Richard S. Reynolds Sr. Garden — National D-Day Memorial —
Richard S. Reynolds Sr. (1881-1955) was an industrialist and poet, whose breadth of vision, common sense, and patriotism compelled him to take uncommon risks to prepare the American aluminum industry for war. The penultimate stanza of his poem “An . . . Map (db m241879) HM WM
255 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Robey W. Estes Sr. Plaza
Robey W. Estes Sr. served with the United States Army in the European Theater of Operations. A platoon sergeant in Company E of the 116th Infantry Regiment on D-Day, he was part of the first wave of the attack on Omaha Beach. Wounded during the . . . Map (db m61339) HM WM
256 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Robey W. Estes Sr. PlazaNational D-Day Memorial
Robey W. Estes Sr. Plaza is the third major element of the National D-Day Memorial. A stylized triumphal arch bearing the invasion's code name (Overlord) surmounts the plaza, rising forty-four and one half feet high (for 6/6/44). Estes Plaza . . . Map (db m240142) HM WM
257 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Scaling the Wall — National D-Day Memorial —
Some visitors viewing the twenty-foot tall bronze relief mounted on the wall below the Overload Arch might suppose that the sculpture pays particular tribute to the members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion who ascended the cliffs at Pointe du-Hoc. Such a . . . Map (db m242038) HM WM
258 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Second Naval Beach Battalion — National D-Day Memorial —
Commissioned at Camp Bradford, Virginia, in late March of 1943 under Commander John F. Curtin, the 2nd Naval Beach Battalion (NBB) was the most seasoned of the three NBBs to participate in the D-Day assault on Normandy. The 2nd NBB, along with the . . . Map (db m240769) HM WM
259 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Second Ranger Battalion“Rangers Lead the Way” — National D-Day Memorial —
One of two battalions that on D-Day made up the Provisional Ranger Group (PRG) under the command of Lt. Col. James E. Rudder, the Second Ranger Battalion was activated at Camp Forest, Tennessee, on 1 April 1943. For the landing, the PRG was . . . Map (db m241814) HM WM
260 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Second World War Mothers and Widows BadgeNational D-Day Memorial
The Second World War Mothers and Widows Badge was a silver-colored disk authorized for issue to the mothers and widows of members of the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Imperial Force, Citizens Military Forces, and Royal Australian Air Force . . . Map (db m240422) WM
261 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Seventh Naval Beach Battalion — National D-Day Memorial —
Commissioned on 5 October 1943 at Camp Bradford, Virginia, under Commander L. C. Leever, the 7th Naval Beach Battalion (NBB) was later filled with unassigned sailors and men drawn from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th NBBs. At full strength, NBBs . . . Map (db m240855) WM
262 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Six Airborne Division (British)“Go to it!” — National D-Day Memorial —
On 23 April 1943, Major General Richard N. “Windy" Gale, a veteran brigade commander who had served with the 1st Airborne Division (British) in North Africa, received orders to raise the 6th Airborne Division and lead its preparations for the Allied . . . Map (db m241270) HM WM
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263 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Sixth Naval Beach Battalion — National D-Day Memorial —
Commissioned on 9 October 1943 at Camp Bradford, Virginia, under Commander Eugene C. Carusi, USNR, the 6th Naval Beach Battalion (NBB) moved to Fort Pierce, Florida, for amphibious-warfare training. On D-Day, the 6th NBB would number about 400 . . . Map (db m241610) HM WM
264 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) InsigniaNational D-Day Memorial
In the autumn of 1943, British Lt. Gen. Frederick Morgan, Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander (COSSAC), directed the creation of a shoulder sleeve insignia (patch) for the use by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces . . . Map (db m240316) HM WM
265 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — KM-8 — Susie G. Gibson High School
Susie G. Gibson (1878-1949), teacher and community activist, was Bedford County's supervisor of African American education for 22 years. Her work was sponsored by the Jeanes Fund, established in 1907 to enhance opportunities for Black students in . . . Map (db m243627) HM
266 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The American Worker, 1939-1945We Can Do It! — National D-Day Memorial —
On 29 December 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced "it is the purpose of the nation to build now with all possible speed every machine, every arsenal, every factory that we need to manufacture our defense material. We have the men, the . . . Map (db m242057) HM WM
267 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The Bedford Boys“Think not upon their passing. Remember the glory of their Spirit” — National D-Day Memorial —
On Sunday, 25 June 1944 Ivylyn Schenk wrote from her home in Bedford to her husband who was serving with the 29th Infantry Division and stationed in Europe. She wrote him faithfully each day and on this particular day was excited to acknowledge . . . Map (db m241543) HM WM
268 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The CitadelThe Military College of South Carolina — National D-Day Memorial —
In honor of all graduates and former cadets of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, who participated in the Great Crusade to overthrow oppression and tyranny and bring about peace and security to Europe. We dedicate this plaque . . . Map (db m242083) WM
269 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The Eighty Second Airborne Division“American Division” — National D-Day Memorial —
Formed at Camp Gordon, Georgia, on 25 August 1917, the 82nd Infantry Division comprised soldiers from all 48 states; hence the nickname and double-A shoulder patch. After fighting with distinction in three World War I campaigns, the division . . . Map (db m240728) HM WM
270 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The Glider Pilot Regiment“Nothing is Impossible” — National D-Day Memorial —
The Glider Pilot Regiment “Nothing is Impossible” The Glider Pilot Regiment was raised in 1941 on the order of the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and formally inaugurated on 24th February 1942 as part of the British Army . . . Map (db m240390) WM
271 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The Royal Air Force (RAF)“Through Adversity to the Stars” — National D-Day Memorial —
Formed on 1 April 1918, the Royal Air Force is the world's oldest independent air force. During World War II, the RAF had three front-line commands: Coastal Command, Fighter Command, and Bomber Command. RAF Coastal Command had a D-Day . . . Map (db m241245) HM WM
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272 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The United StatesNational D-Day Memorial
On D-Day the US First Army comprising two corps (five divisions with auxiliary units and services - about 73,000 troops) landed on and around Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and the Cotentin Peninsula. The US provided 16.5 percent of the Allied warships . . . Map (db m240078) HM WM
273 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — The United States Marines in the European Theater“Semper Fidelis” — National D-Day Memorial —
The United States Marines in the European Theater “Semper Fidelis” For nearly 250 years, United States Marines have been found wherever American lives and interests were in jeopardy. World War Il Europe was no exception. Well . . . Map (db m240392) HM WM
274 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Third Canadian Infantry Division“The Water Rats” — National D-Day Memorial —
Formed in 1940 by citizen-soldiers recruited to serve in units named for their home regions (e.g. Winnipeg Rifles, Regina Rifles, North Nova Scotia Highlanders, etc.), the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division was commanded by Maj. Gen. R. F. L. Keller. . . . Map (db m241296) HM WM
275 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Third Infantry Division (British)“The Iron Division” — National D-Day Memorial —
Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of Wellington, formed the division in 1809 to serve in the Peninsula War. Known during the Napoleonic Wars as the "Fighting Third," the division fought at the Battle of Waterloo and later in the Crimean War and Second . . . Map (db m241258) HM WM
276 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Trafford Leigh Leigh-Mallory — National D-Day Memorial —
Trafford Leigh Leigh-Mallory 11 July 1892 - 14 November 1944 Commander in Chief, Allied Expeditionary Force Air Force Trafford Leigh-Mallory read law at Magdalene College, Cambridge, where he met Arthur Tedder. Serving in the . . . Map (db m240803) HM WM
277 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — U.S. Armed Guard and Merchant Marine — National D-Day Memorial —
Little recognized in popular histories of the Second World War, the U.S. Navy Armed Guard (USNAG) and U.S. Merchant Marine (USMM) played a central role in transporting the personnel and material the Allies needed to achieve victory. In the process . . . Map (db m241168) HM WM
278 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — U.S. Navy Women’s ReserveWomen Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service “WAVES” — National D-Day Memorial —
Facing a shortage of men to build additional ships and create new bases and facilities in the wake of the 7 December 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Secretary of the Navy petitioned the U.S. Congress in January 1942, to establish a women’s . . . Map (db m241200) HM WM
279 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — United KingdomNational D-Day Memorial
On D-Day the British Second Army composed of two corps (including three British divisions with auxiliary units and services - some 62,000 Britons) landed on and around Gold Beach, Sword Beach, and along the Orne River toward Caen. The UK provided . . . Map (db m240058) HM WM
280 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — United States Air Force Flight Nurses — National D-Day Memorial —
By the end of 1944, more than 6,500 nurses, all commissioned officers, were serving in the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF). Of that number, 500 were Flight Nurses based wherever casualties required evacuation by air. On entering the USAAF, all . . . Map (db m241242) HM WM
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281 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — United States Coast Guard — National D-Day Memorial —
In our public memory of D-Day, the role of the United States Coast Guard too often goes unremarked. While Coast Guardsmen served in smaller numbers than their counterparts in the Army, Navy and Merchant Marine, their service was a vital ingredient . . . Map (db m241206) HM WM
282 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — United States Military Academy — National D-Day Memorial —
Remember the valor, fidelity, and sacrifice of the graduates and alumni of the United States Military Academy on D-Day, 6 June 1944 Their leadership and service In the climatic battle of the Second World War . . . Map (db m241553) WM
283 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — United States Naval AcademyEx Scientia Tridens — National D-Day Memorial —
The United States Naval Academy was established in 1845 at Annapolis, Maryland. Its mission is to develop midshipmen morally, mentally, and physically, and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor, and loyalty, and to provide the nation . . . Map (db m242249) HM WM
284 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — USS Arkansas, BB-33Awarded Four Battle Stars for World War II Service — National D-Day Memorial —
One of three American battleships in Operation Neptune, USS Arkansas was the oldest battleship in the U.S. Navy. She was laid down at Camden, New Jersey, on 25 January 1910, launched on 14 January 1911, and commissioned on 17 September . . . Map (db m241073) HM WM
285 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — USS Augusta, CA-31 — National D-Day Memorial —
USS Augusta, CA-31 “Augie Maru” Awarded Three Battle Stars for World War II Service Laid down on 2 July 1928, USS Augusta launched on 1 February 1930. Commissioned at the Norfolk Navy Yard on 30 January 1931, Augusta . . . Map (db m241119) HM WM
286 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — USS LST-5Awarded Three Battle Stars for World War II Service — National D-Day Memorial —
The British evacuation from Dunkirk, France, in 1940 made clear the need for ocean-going vessels capable of loading and landing large quantities of troops, cargo, and vehicles on an unimproved shore. The British Admiralty got busy and began design . . . Map (db m241161) HM WM
287 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — USS Nevada, BB-36Awarded Seven Battle Stars for World War II Service — National D-Day Memorial —
Laid down on 4 November 1912 by the Fore River Shipbuilding Company at Quincy, Massachusetts, USS Nevada launched on 11 July 1914. With Capt William S. Sims in command, Nevada commissioned on 11 March 1916, joined the Atlantic . . . Map (db m241101) HM WM
288 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — USS Rich, DE-695Awarded One Battle Stars for World War II Service — National D-Day Memorial —
Named for LTJG Ralph McMaster Rich, posthumous recipient of the Navy Cross for "capable and aggressive leadership" during the Battle of Midway, USS Rich was laid down on 27 March 1943 at the Defoe Shipbuilding Company in Bay City, Michigan. . . . Map (db m241110) HM WM
289 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — USS Texas, BB-35Awarded Five Battle Stars for World War II Service — National D-Day Memorial —
The second battleship to bear the name, USS Texas was laid down at Newport News, Virginia, on 17 April 1911, launched on 18 May 1912, and commissioned on 12 March 1914, with Captain Albert W. Grant commanding. Without benefit of a shakedown . . . Map (db m241084) HM WM
290 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Virginia Military InstituteCitizen-Soldiers — National D-Day Memorial —
Commemorating the WWII Service of the Virginia Military Institute Citizen-Soldiers who, in time of deepest peril, came to the aid of their country. Over 4,000 served, 185 gave their lives. In every Branch, In . . . Map (db m241554) HM WM
291 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — VPINational D-Day Memorial
Commemorating the Wartime Service and Sacrifice of the Citizen-Soldier Members of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute Corps of Cadets Virginia Tech was founded as the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College in 1872 - Virginia's . . . Map (db m242898) HM WM
292 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — W.E. Steven’s Family Victory GardenD-Day Memorial
Mr. W.E. Stevens was a man of soil. He and his wife maintained a farm six miles outside the City of Bedford, Virginia. After the United States entered the Second World War, the government soon revived the World War I practice of victory gardening. . . . Map (db m243621) WM
293 Virginia, Bedford County, Bedford — Winston Leonard Spencer ChurchillNational D-Day Memorial
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill 30 November 1874 - 24 January 1965 Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 10 May 1940 - 26 July 1945 and 26 October 1951 - 7 April 1955 First Honorary Citizen of the United States, 1963 . . . Map (db m240266) HM WM
294 Virginia, Bedford County, Big Island — A Transportation CorridorNavigating a Historic River
When George Washington stood here in 1772, he sought a way to open a water route to the West. Traveling over the region’s most rugged mountains was time consuming and dangerous. New settlers needed a more efficient way to transport goods like . . . Map (db m95959) HM
295 Virginia, Bedford County, Big Island — Harry F. Byrd Memorial Bridge
. . . Map (db m95963) HM
296 Virginia, Bedford County, Big Island — James River
The James River flows from the mountains through Lynchburg and Richmond to the coast. It is the largest river in Virginia and, historically, one of the state’s most important transportation corridors. Before the Civil War, investors built a canal . . . Map (db m95958) HM
297 Virginia, Bedford County, Bordford — Walter Bedell “Beetle” SmithNational D-Day Memorial
Walter Bedell “Beetle” Smith 5 October 1895 - 89 August 1961 Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force Enlisting in the Indiana National Guard at age sixteen, "Beetle" Smith earned a reserve commission at . . . Map (db m240260) HM WM
298 Virginia, Bedford County, Bradford — Valor, Fidelity, Sacrifice — National D-Day Memorial —
The National D-Day Memorial exists to honor the Valor, Fidelity, and Sacrifice of the Allied Forces on D-Day, June 6, 1944, the qualities giving this allegorical sculpture its name. The soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen, and . . . Map (db m241067) HM WM
299 Virginia, Bedford County, Forest — "A Culture Productive of Infinite Wretchedness”
Long before Jefferson built his retreat house here, he had enslaved men, women and older children working the tobacco and wheat fields—going "into the ground," as he called it. They planted up to 300,000 hillocks of tobacco each year. It took 18 . . . Map (db m198081) HM
300 Virginia, Bedford County, Forest — “I have this summer built a wing of offices...”—Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 1814
The Wing of Offices was constructed on the east side of Jefferson's retreat home in 1814, “110 feet long, in the manner of those at Monticello, with a flat roof in the level of the floor of the house." Hannah, the enslaved cook, spent many of her . . . Map (db m198085) HM

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