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John LaRue Helm historical marker
Photographer: Brandon D Cross
Caption: John LaRue Helm historical marker
Additional Description: This Hardin Co. native was one of Kentucky's most celebrated lawyers. In legislature 17 yrs.; rose to House Speaker. Elected It. gov., he became gov. when John J. Crittenden resigned, 1850. Pres. of L& NR.R., 1854-60, when main line completed. A harsh critic of Pres. Lincoln, Helm favored neutrality for Ky. in the Civil War. Elected gov., 1867. Died after five days in office.
Submitted: June 25, 2024, by Brandon D Cross of Flagler Beach, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p797265
File Size: 5.600 Megabytes

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