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The Rike-Kumler Co.
Photographer: Dry Goods Economist via Google Books (PD)
Taken: April 27, 1912
Caption: The Rike-Kumler Co.'s Downtown Dayton store
Additional Description: The 7-story store at Main and 2nd streets opened for business on March 19, 1912. It contained 235,000 square feet of floor space that featured amenities such as an auditorium, children's playground, a 250-seat full-service restaurant, a soda fountain, a lunch counter, a post office and cold fur storage. The building had its own well to supply water to fire hoses and a power plant in the basement to generate electricity in the building.
Submitted: June 20, 2024, by Duane and Tracy Marsteller of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p795945
File Size: 0.057 Megabytes

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