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The building where Margot and her family lived during 1933
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: October 22, 2023
Caption: The building where Margot and her family lived during 1933
Additional Description: Margot, her sister Anne, and her mother Edith lived in Aachen with Edith’s mother here in this building. They also lived in another building in Aachen with their grandmother on Monheimsallee (about 1 km. north of here), but sources are unclear as to when they moved from that site to this one. Margot left to live with her father in Amsterdam in December, 1933.
Submitted: March 8, 2024, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p778097
File Size: 6.054 Megabytes

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