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Østbanestasjonen / Eastern Rail Station Marker - wider view
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: June 22, 2023
Caption: Østbanestasjonen / Eastern Rail Station Marker - wider view
Additional Description: The main railway between Christiania (now Oslo) and Eidsvold was Norway's first railway and was inaugurated in 1854. The main railway station, designed by the architects H.E. Schirmer and W. von Hanno, was a two-story brick building. Remains of the building can still be found on the north side of Østbanen. When the Østfold line was to be brought into the station building, the building was too small. The new station building, Østbanestasjonen, designed by architect Georg Andreas Bull, was built next to the old one in 1877-82. - Selskabet For Oslo Byes Vel
Submitted: July 2, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p734090
File Size: 3.097 Megabytes

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