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The Sugar Monument - Detail Left
Photographer: J. J. Prats
Taken: October 12, 2008
Caption: The Sugar Monument - Detail Left
Additional Description: “The first figure on the left is a Hawaiian, representing the first sugar workers. He wears a malo, holds an o‘o and sits next to his poi dog. In the background, riding upon a horse, is a Caucasian, representing the North American and European entrepreneurs and managers who started and developed the industry. Next is a Puerto Rican man carrying sugarcane. Beside him, a Chinese man squats to pick up his hoe, attired in laborer’s clothing of the Ming dynasty.”

The quote above is as inscribed on the monument. However, the “Caucasian” “riding upon a horse” does not appear to be present on the sculpture.
Submitted: October 19, 2008, by J. J. Prats of Powell, Ohio.
Database Locator Identification Number: p39868
File Size: 1.745 Megabytes

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