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Low Memorial Library Rotunda
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: October 4, 2016
Caption: Low Memorial Library Rotunda
Additional Description: The Low Library Rotunda is the university's primary ceremonial space on campus. It hosts major prize ceremonies such as the Pulitzers and Bancrofts, hosts dignitaries and heads of state during the World Leaders Forum, and pretty much anything that's fancy and formal. ....The rotunda has 16 columns made of green marble from Ireland and topped by golden capitals. Above each are pedestals for statues, but only four were ever erected On the north side of the Rotunda from left to right are: Euripides....Demosthenes....Sophocles....Augustus Caesar.... - WikiCU, the Columbia University Wiki
Submitted: October 8, 2016, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p365148
File Size: 2.159 Megabytes

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