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Wabash Clay Co. — Brick Kilns — Veedersburg Paver Bricks

Taken: Circa 1900s
Caption: Wabash Clay Co. — Brick Kilns — Veedersburg Paver Bricks
Additional Description: The town of Veedersburg is inter-woven with its paver bricks, railroads, and the roots of law enforced by Cal Scherer. This is the South brick yard. Another one existed on the West edge of Veedersburg. Bricks from Veedersburg built many places including the Indianapolis 500 mile track, the Chicago "Loop", and many other streets throughout the U.S.. Some names stamped on the bricks are: Wabash Clay, Poston, Culver, and Veedersburg(h).
Submitted: May 30, 2008, by Al Wolf of Veedersburg, Indiana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p24564
File Size: 0.195 Megabytes

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