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Photographer: Craig Swain
Taken: August 17, 2007
Caption: Edward's Ferry Boat Ramp From the Virginia Side
Additional Description: In this view, from the mouth of Goose Creek, the Edwards Ferry boat ramp is clearly seen on the Maryland shore. The two pontoon bridges spanned the river here in June 1863. The Federal engineers, in addition to the two main spans, built additional bridges over Goose Creek and the canal on the Maryland side. The Army of the Potomac numbered over 90,000 at this time, with the majority crossing at this point. In addition were the supply trains and additional support elements that followed in the army's wake. Thus Edward's Ferry has been called the greatest river crossing operation on the North American continent.
Submitted: January 27, 2008, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p14867
File Size: 0.912 Megabytes

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